Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Successfully keeping off the weight

After we lost those unwanted pounds we immediately think of rewarding our-selves by indulging in our favorite food. From what I've learn in these 9 years, it is very important to continue the diet for a longer period even if we already achieve our weight goal. The reason is that we want our body to adjust to that weight we want to give our skin a moment to tighten. Also, our stomach will adjust too. 

In 2010 I was 126 and I was dieting, my diet consisted in what will all believe its the right diet. Not to eat too much.  Today I'm 98.8  pounds, it seems small weight but I'm about 5'2 so its okay for my height. 

I do workout hard and have a certain diet I follow. Anyways, I've always put goals and after the goals are reached my next goal its to maintain that goal for a long time. This requires balance, because you could end up loosing more than you wish, so every other day I add extra calories to my diet, by extra I mean add a fruit or simply tuna. I do not mean chocolate or any refine sugar. 

Also after keeping your desire weight  for a long at-least two months if you desire to loose more weight anything you do will once again impact your body, and it will be easier to loose the weight because you are giving your body something different. 

Best lucks!

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